Earth’s maidens. The good one.

Always observing and ever absorbing. Virgo is a mutable earth sign, blessed with a fluid nature, and an innate knack for communication and interaction. This is due to mercury’s influence on Virgo, which has significantly developed their intellect and adaptability of the mind. But this gift, an understanding of the inherent significance of every word, of every passing thought, comes at a price. Virgos are often weighed down by the constant activity and chaos of the mind; the ever changing, ever moving world of our consciousness.
Virgo rules the 6th house, the house of routine, health and wellbeing, the gut and service to others to mention a few. This is why Virgo’s make such good doctors, healers, and money managers. They’re attentive to details, excited about perfection and carry an unmovable inner force. Remember how I said the 6th house deals with the gut? This is why every Virgo you know has a sensitive tummy. Ever tried to figure out who’s a Virgo in the room? It's probably the person carrying Imodium around. But their sensitive stomachs allude to a greater force - their intuition. Virgo’s have an insanely strong gut feeling. An internal compass which guides and protects, always ensuring movement towards their purpose.

Yes, Virgo’s are the sign of servitude, but this does not manifest explicitly or blatantly. Remember Virgo is the maiden archetype, meaning they are innate healers and lovers of humanity. They seek peace and perfection because they want people to journey on the path towards the best version of themself. That's why Virgos are always offering their two cents on how you should live your life. Because a Virgo seeks the goodness in the world and wishes to protect it.
The pairing of mercury and earth makes Virgos great achievers in this physical realm. They may appear to be more reserved, and seem calm to the public eye, but this is by no means a reason to underestimate them. What a Virgo harbours deep within would shock anyone, especially due to the gracefulness with which they carry (or hide) it.
But that’s just Virgo; a sign of refinement, a sign of purity, and a sign of excellence.