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Meeting the designers : The White Swans

Ismail Alkashim | Iletutu Awosika

When not on calls building Bonds Across the Pacific and growing friendship,

Iletutu (Awosika, 25) and Ismail (Alkashim, 25) lead busy lives constantly problem-solving, designing, and navigating their twenties.

Both designers draw deeply from a place of need, feeling, stories, and connections - with great inspirations of theirs coming from elements of flight; heavily connoting freedom and grace.

Iletutu, an architect constantly iterating space and systems, as well as lead director of bonds studios in Birmingham, UK.  Ismail, a head restaurant manager and creative director of Pacific Homme Design Studios in Hamilton, Canada.

Their five year bond always sat under great tension to create together. Eleven months in the making, now from the both of them comes “Bonds Across The Pacific”.

Very dear to them both, and soon to all who experience
- we bring you the faces behind the names and collection.