When I think of cancers I think of the 3 cups, and the words which come to mind are community, protection, and Love.
Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac & ruled by the moon.
This is why Cancers are known to be nurturing and fiercely protective of anything relating to the home or their sense of safety. Relationships in particular are super important to a cancerian, especially due to its connection with the 4th house, the house of home & family.
Home is where every child learns to connect, express and evolve, and this is heavily dependent on the relationships they have with their immediate family and environment. From this alone, we can see the significance relationships hold in the development of a person. The truth is we are influenced, and shaped by those around us. Which is why cancers are so picky with who they allow into their space and inner circle. Cancers don’t call just anyone their friend. It's a title held in high regard because the cancerian knows they will fight tooth and nail, and to the death, for their loved ones. Remember, they are the sign of the crab. cancers are as fiercely loyal as they are protective.
Each of us on this planet has their own ecosystem of existence, their own cosmos of intertwined lives which depend on one another. Life is not experienced in isolation. Our positive ties to each other strengthen and ground us in ways unimaginable. The binding force of these lives, these relationships, is love. And love from a Cancer is a truly powerful force. it gives us the freedom to exist, just as we are - full of value, full of hope, full of beauty. Cancers teach us the importance of community, and that sensitivity to life is a superpower.
Before I go, I want you to remind you that a fulfilled life is a life shared with loved ones. And that we all are better, together.
“When I was a child, it was clear to me that life was not worth living if we did not know love” - All About Love, Bell Hooks